Adequate nutrition during infancy and early childhood is essential to ensure the growth, health, and development of children to their full potential. Poor nutrition increases the risk of illness, and is responsible, directly or indirectly, for one third of the estimated deaths that occur in children less than 5 years of age .
Inappropriate nutrition can also lead to childhood obesity which is an increasing public health problem in many countries. Majorly weaning and complementary feeding diets should focus on FATVAH, (Frequency, Amount, Thickness, Variety, Active/responsive feeding and Hygiene).
We advise exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months unless restriction is on medical grounds
Download weaning and complementary diets here.
If your child has loss of appetite, condition/disease books an appointment for zoom consultation or live session.
2. Are you looking to lose weight, increase weight or improving general health and wellness for you and your family?
1. To maintain a well desired weight, we require sustainable diets that are locally Available, Affordable, Accessible and practical.
A. Our aim is to guide you as our client to shift focus to a healthier option by knowing what you should do, need to do, and when to do it in terms of balance, variety, frequency of feeding, timing, method of cooking, portion control, light activity and enough sleep.
Let’s also try to avoid fad diets since they are not clinically guided and majorly are confusing if not from a certified nutritionist/dietician. We provide the best solutions for all diets whether increasing or reducing weight and remaining healthy at the end of the program. Majorly, every client needs to understand that each individual should eat according to their body composition since each person has a different age, height weight, BMI, and different activity factor.
These factors are considered for each individual hence individuals should understand that diet duplication does not work when they all download same diet plans online expecting different results. We individualize all diet plans through proper calculations and disburse within 24hours to our respective clients.